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tecnologia, economia digital, identidade virtual, inteligência artificial, redes sociais, sistemas, integração, pessoas, eventos, tecnologia

sábado, 30 de abril de 2011

Socialnomics in short

Is social media a fad?
Or is it the biggest shift since the industrial revolution?

Social media has overtaken porn as #1 activity on the www

Radio: 38 yrs for 50M users
TV: 13 yrs for 50M users
Internet: 4 yrs for 50M users
Ipod: 3 yrs for 50M users
Fbook added 100M users in less than 9 months
Ipod apps dloads hit 1B in 9 months

If Fbook were a conutry it would be the 4th largerest (CHI, IND, USA, FBOOK, INDONESIA, BRA)

The e-learing will complement and expand the capacity of our population on learn and communicate,
institutions will not offer a mailbox, instead they will use iPads, Notebooks, Laptops, mobile devices, portais Web

80% companies are using LinkedIn as their primary tool to find employees

Fastest growing segment on Fbook is 55-65 yrs females

80% of tweets are made from mobile, anywhere, anytime, relating consumer experience

Wikipedia shifted the encyclopedia business entirely, it has over 13M articles, 78% non english content, and is more accurate than Britanica
If you were paid $1 for every time an article was posted on Wikipedia, you would earn $156,23 per hour

There are over 200M blogs, 54% post content or tweet daily, 34% pow5 opinions about products and brands => word of mouth = world of mouth
25% of search results for top 20 largest brands are links to user-generated content, they are talking about your brand and products
78% of customers trust peer recommendation, 14% trust ads
18% of traditional TV campaings generate a positive ROI
Hulu has grown from 63M streams in APR2008 to 373M in Apr 2009

35% of book sales on Amazon are for Kindle while newpaper industry is declining in circulation and advertising

We no longer serach for the news, the news finds us
In the near future we will no longer search for products and services, they will find us via social media

Social media is a fundamental shift in the way we communicate

More than 1,5B of content among weblinks, stories, posts, notes, photos, are shared on Fbook daily

"It is a people driven economy" - Erik Qualman, 2009

Successful companies in social media act listening first and selling second
Successful companies in social media act more like party planners, aggregators and content providers then traditional advertisers

Sill think social media is a fad? Welcome to the world of Socialnomics

Are u ready?

terça-feira, 26 de abril de 2011

Now we type about life

People always wanted to be included or have the chance to opt-in. Social Networks can nowadays make a global world feels like a small city, one where everybody can know what you are doing. Though unusual for recent times, this is a new perspective for youngers growing from now on. The honest ones don`t shame about themselves, so tell me... why should you get bothered about people accessing your personal information?
(there is a lot to talk about, but idealy we dont have to fear one another)

Tie strongly your networks and take the best out of it.

Barriers and boarders are not mainly delimited by political and demographic impositions, but by interests and goals, for good and bad, and it has always been like that, we were not intelligent enough to face that fact and even today there are a few illiterate people who do not understand that fact.

This is why ignorance, poverty and fear are still widely spread in the world. But it was not always like that. A time ago, not so long, the world was a much more dangerous place, blacks were considered slaves, women were considered inferior, we fought each other until death for food or for living, tribes against tribes against cities against people... the same people.

Technology comes to end all of that, in the kind of a much more productive way.

People will become more and more equal due to the intensive equalization of their digital identities.
At least, that´s what I hope for the children, a much better world, and improving, because the task is hard.

Governments will became more and more digital, gradually the societies will get used to iterate with each other through the digital channel, becoming network like communities, buying from one another, doing all sort of transactions in the name of their sake, supported by their digital identity. Media will change so much that your grandchildren will never meet television the way you used, with a corporate content managed way, where “their” interests supersede ours in our own experience.

Our parents grew in a sort of working and accumulating wealth base, worrying about tomorrow without the tools and the perspective to solve that special accomplishment. Soon they learn that this irrational consumption of material goods does more harm then good, because resources are really scarce. Their parents, our grandparents, never had that constraint. Or maybe they had, but they missed in guessing how far it was.

Same way we create the problem, we, the humanity, found a way to solve it, causing new ones, but under an entirely new perspective.

Technology came to stay.